Afghanistan | Afghanistan Central Business Registry (ACBR) |
Albania | Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) |
Algeria | Centre National du Registre du Commerce (CNRC) |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua & Barbuda Intellecutal Property and Commerce Office (ABIPCO) |
Argentina | Secretaria Genderal del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires |
Armenia | State Register Agency of Legal Entities of Armenia |
Australia | Australian Securities & Investments Commission |
Austria | Wirtschaftskammer (WKO) |
Azerbaijan | Minsitry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
Bahrain | Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism |
Bangladesh | Private sector contributor |
Belarus | Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs |
Belgium | Direction Générale Statistique – Statistics Belgium, Service Public Fédéral Economie Direction Genderale Statistique et Information Economique |
Belize | Belize Companies and Corporate Affairs Registry |
Benin | Tribunal de Commerce De Cotonou |
Bhutan | Ministry of Economic Affairs |
Bolivia | Fundempresa |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Brazil | Cescon Barrieu |
Brazil | Cescon Barrieu |
Brunei Darussalam | Ministry of Energy, Manpower, and Industry |
Bulgaria | Registry Agency of Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso | Maison de l'Entreprise du Burkina Faso |
Cabo Verde | Casa do Cidadao |
Cambodia | Business Registration Department of the Ministry of Commerce |
Canada | Corporations Canada, British Columbia Registries and Online Services, Ontario Regulatory Services Branch of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, Québec Registraire des entreprises, Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la solidarité sociale (MTESS) |
Central African Republic | Cadre Mixte de Concertation pour l'Amerlioration des Affaires (CMCAA) |
Chad | Guichet Unique de Creation d'Entreprise |
Chile | Ministerio de Economia, Fomento y Turismo |
Colombia | Confecamaras |
Comoros | Administration Générale des Impôts et des Domaines (AGID) |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | Tribunal de Commerce De Kinshasa/Gombe |
Costa Rica | Registro Nacional, Republica de Costa Rica |
Cote d'Ivoire | Guichet Unique de I'Investissement en Cote D'Ivoire (CEPICI) |
Croatia | Croatia Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Justice |
Cyprus | Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver |
Czech Republic | Czech Statistical Office |
Denmark | Danish Business Authority |
Dominica | Invest Dominica Authority |
Dominican Republic | Camara de Comercio |
El Salvador | Centro Nacional de Registros (CNR) |
Estonia | Ministry of Justice |
Ethiopia | Ministry of Trade and Industry |
Finland | Finnish Patent and Registration Office |
France | National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies |
Gabon | General Direction of Taxes |
Georgia | National Agency of Public Registry, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development |
Germany | Federal Statistical Office |
Greece | General Secretariat of Government |
Grenada | Registrar of Grenada |
Guatemala | Registro Mercantil General de la Republica de Guatemala |
Guinea | Agence de Promotion des Investissements Privés (APIP) |
Honduras | Chamber of Commerce |
Hong Kong SAR, China | Companies Registry |
Hungary | Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
Iceland | Internal Revenue, Main Office Reykjavík |
India | Ministry of Corporate Affairs |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | Company Registration Office |
Ireland | Register of Enterprises of the Internal Service |
Israel | Ministry of Justice |
Italy | Unioncamere |
Jamaica | Companies Office of Jamaica |
Japan | Ministry of Justice |
Jordan | Companies Control Department |
Kazakhstan | Ministry of Justice |
Kenya | Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice |
Kiribati | Company Registration Division, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives |
Korea, Rep. | Korea Insititute of Startup & Entreprenuership Development (KISED) |
Kosovo | Director of the Business Registration Agency |
Lao PDR | Department of Enterprise Registration and Management |
Latvia | The Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia |
Lesotho | Ministry of Trade & Industry of Lesotho |
Liberia | Liberia Business Registry |
Liechtenstein* | Office of Economic Affairs |
Lithuania | State Enterprise Centre of Registers |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg Business Registers |
North Macedonia | Central Register of the Republic of North Macedonia |
Madagascar | Service d'Analyses Economique et Fiscale (SAEF) |
Malaysia | Companies Commission of Malaysia |
Mali | Responsable Services de Creation d'Enterprises, Agence Pour La Promotion Des Investissements Au Mali ( API Mali) |
Malta | Malta Business Registry |
Mauritania | Guichet Unique, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances |
Mauritius | Corporate and Business Registration Department |
Mexico | Secretaria de Economia |
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Federal States of Micronesia (FSM), Registrar of Corporations |
Moldova | National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova |
Mongolia | General Authority for State Registration of Mongolia |
Montenegro | Tax Administration of Montenegro |
Morocco | Office Marocain de la Propriete Industrielle et Commerciale (OMPIC) |
Myanmar | Directorate of Investment and Company Administration. |
Nepal | Company Registry |
Netherlands | Chamber of Commerce |
New Zealand | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment |
Niger | Maison de l'Entreprise du Niger (MDE) |
Nigeria | Corporate Affairs Comission |
Norway | The Bronnoysund Register Center |
Oman | Ministry of Commerce and Industry |
Pakistan | Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan |
Panama | Public Registry of Panama |
Paraguay | Ministry of Finance |
Peru | Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos (SUNARP) |
Philippines | Securities & Exchange Commission |
Poland | Ministry of Economic Development |
Portugal | Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado |
Qatar | Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) |
Romania | Ministry of Justice |
Russian Federation | Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, Tax Service |
Rwanda | Rwanda Development Board |
Samoa | Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Guiche Unico Para Empresas |
Saudi Arabia | Ministry of Commerce and Investment |
Senegal | Agence nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie (ANSD) |
Serbia | Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) |
Seychelles | Company and Land Registry |
Sierra Leone | Corporate Affairs Comission |
Singapore | Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) |
Slovak Republic | Ministry of Economy |
Slovenia | Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES) |
South Africa | Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) |
South Sudan | Ministry of Justice |
Spain | Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) |
Sri Lanka | Department of Registrar of Companies |
St. Lucia | Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property |
Suriname | Chamber of Commerce & Industry |
Sweden | Swedish Companies Registration Office (SCRO) |
Switzerland | Swiss Federal Commercial Registry |
Taiwan | National Development Council Regulatory Reform Center |
Tajikistan | Business Registration Department, Tax Committee under the Government of Republic of Tajikistan |
Tanzania | Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA) |
Thailand | Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce |
Togo | Centre de Formalites des Entreprises (CFE) |
Tonga | Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Labour |
Tunisia | Institut National de la Statistique |
Turkey | Minsitry of Customs and Trade |
Uganda | Uganda Registration Services Bureau |
Ukraine | State Statistics Services of Ukraine |
United Arab Emirates | Business Registration in Department of Economic Development |
United Kingdom | Companies House |
Uruguay | Dirección General Impositiva - Director de la División Planificación, Estudios y Coordinación, Dirección General Impositiva |
Uzbekistan | State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics |
Vanuatu | Private sector contributor |
Vietnam | Agency for Business Registration |
Zambia | Patents and Companies Registration Agency |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe Investment Authority |