Registering as an individual microbusiness owner

Subnational Doing Business in Brazil 2021 includes a pilot study designed to analyze the process of registering as an individual microbusiness owner (Microempreendedor Individual, MEI). This pilot study covered five locations in Brazil: Amazonas, Ceará, the Federal District, Minas Gerais, and Rio Grande do Sul. This section describes the case study assumptions and methodology used to collect these data. The data were not included in the aggregate ease of doing business score for the five topics covered in this report. Read more about the methodology.

Also available in Portuguese.

Data overview

Data as of: September 1, 2020

LocationProcedures (number)Time (days)Cost (% of annual income per capita)
Federal District330.0
Minas Gerais10.50.0
Rio Grande do Sul330.0

Click on the location names to see details:

Amazonas Ceará | Federal District | Minas Gerais | Rio Grande do Sul


Legal form: Individual microbusiness owner (MEI)

Paid-in minimum capital requirement: No minimum


Create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal and register the MEI on the Entrepreneur Portal

Agency: Entrepreneur Portal

The entrepreneur must create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal to obtain the login and password to access the system. Once logged in, the applicant informs their details and those of the business (such as company's address, trade name and activities to be performed). At the end of the procedure, the entrepreneur receives the Individual Microentrepreneur Condition Certificate (CCMEI), which contains the National Corporate Taxpayer Registry number (CNPJ) and the registration at the commercial registry (Company Registration Identification Number - NIRE). The CCMEI automatically grants a 6-month temporary operations license, except for high-risk businesses. Registration with the state and the municipal tax agencies is automatic. The MEI is not required to issue invoices to private individuals.

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost

Check the feasibility of the location (Viabilidade para Legado e MEI) and obtain a definitive operations license

Agency: Municipality (via Redesim and SLIM system)

Before the expiration of the temporary operations license, the entrepreneur must obtain a definitive operations license (Licença para Localização e Funcionamento) from the municipality. This document authorizes the operation of businesses, industries, institutions, services, and similar activities. The entrepreneur accesses the Redesim website and fills out the CCMEI number and the registration number with the municipal tax agency (which is automatically generated after registration in the Entrepreneur Portal). Then, the applicant requests a feasibility of location analysis called "Viabilidade para Legado e MEI''. The details are transmitted to the municipality and once the consultation is approved, the operations license will be automatically issued. The entrepreneur then accesses the SLIM website (a services portal of the Municipality of Manaus) and downloads the operations license.

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost



Legal form: Individual microbusiness owner (MEI)

Paid-in minimum capital requirement: No minimum


Check the availability of the company name and the feasibility of the location

Agency: Municipality/Commercial Registry (via Redesim)

The entrepreneur accesses the national portal of Redesim ( and inform the state where the company is being established. After selecting the state, the system displays the integrated system for company registration. After logging in, the applicant fills in the information required for the availability of name and feasibility of location consultations (information about the proposed business activities, the location, proposed names for the company and the name of the entrepreneur). Once the commercial registry and the municipality have concluded their analysis and approved the company’s name and location, the Redesim system generates a protocol number (Protocolo Redesim). The result of the consultation is sent to the applicant's email and it is also possible for the applicant to verify the result by accessing the Redesim webpage.

2 daysNo cost

Create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal and register the MEI on the Entrepreneur Portal

Agency: Entrepreneur Portal

The entrepreneur must create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal to obtain the login and password to access the system. Once logged in, the applicant informs their details and those of the business (such as company's address, trade name and activities to be performed). At the end of the procedure, the entrepreneur receives the Individual Microentrepreneur Condition Certificate (CCMEI), which contains the National Corporate Taxpayer Registry number (CNPJ) and the registration at the commercial registry (Company Registration Identification Number - NIRE). The CCMEI automatically grants a 6-month temporary operations license, except for high-risk businesses. Registration with the state and the municipal tax agencies is automatic. The MEI is not required to issue invoices to private individuals. If a MEI is to issue an invoice, in Ceará they have the possibility to issue electronic invoices (Nota Fiscal Eletrônica Avulsa) at no fee. Registration is made on the website of the State Secretariat of Finance (on the online service menu, they have to click on "nota fiscal avulsa").

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost

Obtain a definitive operations license

Agency: Municipal Secretariat of Urbanism and Environment

Before the expiration of the temporary operations license, the entrepreneur must obtain a definitive operations license (Licença para Localização e Funcionamento) from the Municipality of Fortaleza. This document authorizes the operation of businesses, industries, institutions, services, and similar activities. The entrepreneur applies for the license electronically, on the Secretariat of Urbanism and Environment website, uploading documents that are requested according to the type and size of company, under Decree 14,501 of 2019 and Law 270 of 2019 - City Code. The MEI is exempt from the operations license fee according to Municipal Decree 14,231 of 2018. Once the application is validated, an inspection may be carried out by the Municipality. If the documents of the applicant company are approved and the analysis of the Secretariat of Urbanism and Environment does not detect any pending issues, the secretariat issues the operations license online and the applicant can download it.

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost


Federal District

Legal form: Individual microbusiness owner (MEI)

Paid-in minimum capital requirement: No minimum


Check the availability of the company name and the feasibility of the location

Agency: Regional Administration/ Commercial Registry (via Redesim)

The entrepreneur accesses the national portal of Redesim ( and inform the state where the company is being established. After selecting the Federal District, the system displays the integrated system for company registration. After logging in, the applicant fills in the information required for the availability of name and feasibility of location consultations (information about the proposed business activities, the location, proposed names for the company and the names of the entrepreneur). Once the commercial registry and the regional administration (Administração Regional do Plano Piloto) have concluded their analysis and approved the company’s name and location, the Redesim system generates a protocol number (Protocolo Redesim). The result of the consultation is sent to the applicant's email and it is also possible for the applicant to verify the result by accessing the Redesim webpage.

2 daysNo cost

Create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal and register the MEI on the Entrepreneur Portal

Agency: Entrepreneur Portal

The entrepreneur must create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal to obtain the login and password to access the system. Once logged in, the applicant informs their details and those of the business (such as company's address, trade name and activities to be performed). At the end of the procedure, the entrepreneur receives the Individual Microentrepreneur Condition Certificate (CCMEI), which contains the National Corporate Taxpayer Registry number (CNPJ) and the registration at the commercial registry (Company Registration Identification Number - NIRE). The CCMEI automatically grants a 6-month temporary operations license, except for high-risk businesses. Registration with the Federal District Secretariat of Economy is automatic. The MEI is not required to issue invoices to private individuals. If the entrepreneur wants to issue regular invoices, they enter the Federal District invoice issuance system (Sistema de Emissão de Nota Fiscal Avulsa - SENFA) on the following website: If the entrepreneur wants to issue electronic invoices, they will need a digital certificate of the National Corporate Taxpayer Registry (e-CNPJ).

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost

Obtain a definitive operations license

Agency: Federal District Government (GDF) - AGEFIS or Posto Na Hora

Before the expiration of the temporary operations license, the entrepreneur must obtain a definitive operations license (Licença de Funcionamento) from the Distrito Federal Government. This document authorizes the operation of commercial, industrial, institutional, service, and similar activities. This is the last step concluded by the applicant at the Redesim system: the company is analyzed in the Redesim licensing system according to the parameters of 8 regulatory agencies: State Secretariat of Urban Organization (DF Legal); Civil Defense (Defesa Civil); environmnetal department (Instituto Brasília Ambiental - IBRAM); civil police (Polícia Civil); education department (Secretaria de Educação do DF); agriculture department (Secretaria de Agricultura do DF); Fire Department (Corpo de Bombeiros); and the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA). The licensing system is parameterized according to the rules of each agency, and the applicants answer online the relevant questions for their company. The analysis by the 8 agencies is simultaneous and free of cost. The analysis in each agency has 3 possible results: “approved”, “on hold” or “under study”, and entrepreneurs are required to upload documents and provide more information accordingly. The licensing process is only finalized when all the 8 agencies gave their approval.

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost


Minas Gerais

Legal form: Individual microbusiness owner (MEI)

Paid-in minimum capital requirement: No minimum


Create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal and register the MEI on the Entrepreneur Portal

Agency: Entrepreneur Portal

The entrepreneur must create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal to obtain the login and password to access the system. Once logged in, the applicant informs their details and those of the business (such as company's address, trade name and activities to be performed). At the end of the procedure, the entrepreneur receives the Individual Microentrepreneur Condition Certificate (CCMEI), which contains the National Corporate Taxpayer Registry number (CNPJ) and the registration at the commercial registry (Company Registration Identification Number - NIRE). Registration with the state and the municipal tax agencies is automatic. The CCMEI automatically grants a 6-month temporary operations license, except for high-risk businesses. In Belo Horizonte, the operations license automatically converts into a definitive one at expiration for MEIs performing low-risk activities if no irregularities emerge. The MEI is not required to issue invoices to private individuals.

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost


Rio Grande do Sul

Legal form: Individual microbusiness owner (MEI)

Paid-in minimum capital requirement: No minimum


Create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal and register the MEI on the Entrepreneur Portal

Agency: Entrepreneur Portal

The entrepreneur must create an account on the Entrepreneur Portal to obtain the login and password to access the system. Once logged in, the applicant informs their details and those of the business (such as company's address, trade name and activities to be performed). At the end of the procedure, the entrepreneur receives the Individual Microentrepreneur Condition Certificate (CCMEI), which contains the National Corporate Taxpayer Registry number (CNPJ) and the registration at the commercial registry (Company Registration Identification Number - NIRE). The CCMEI automatically grants a 6-month temporary operations license, except for high-risk businesses. Registration with the state and the municipal tax agencies is automatic. The MEI is not required to issue invoices to private individuals.

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost

Check the feasibility of the location (Viabilidade para Legado e MEI)

Agency: Municipality (via Redesim)

After obtaining the CNPJ, the entrepreneur needs to consult the feasibility of the location intended for the business. The applicant accesses the Redesim Rio Grande do Sul website, logs in, clicks in the feasibility of location ("Viabilidade") button and then clicks on the option "Viabilidade de Legado". Next, the entrepreneur must insert the CNPJ number of the MEI and indicate the activities that will be developed, the intended address of the business, the area of property and the opening hours. After the approval of the feasibility of the location, a document (Boletim Informativo) that contains the details of the business and the analysis is issued. It is valid for 90 days. This step is necessary for the subsequent application for the definitive operations license.

2 daysNo cost

Obtain a definitive operations license

Agency: Municipal Secretariat of Economic Development 

Before the expiration of the temporary operations license, the entrepreneur must obtain a definitive operations license (Licença para Localização e Funcionamento) from the municipality. This document authorizes the operation of businesses, industries, institutions, services, and similar activities. After obtaining the result of the feasibility of the location (Viabilidade de Legado), the entrepreneur must request the definitive operations license (Alvará de Localização e Funcionamento) from the Municipal Secretariat of Economic Development of Porto Alegre. The applicant inserts the number of the approved feasibility of location and attaches the requested documentation (the documents vary from case to case). Once the application is approved by the municipality, the license is made available directly on the Redesim website. If the business of the MEI is considered a low-risk activity, an inspection of the Fire Department is not necessary.

Less than one day (online procedure)No cost